Black Dragon on Linux - Update 1

It's only a hour or so later, but so far I've made inroads in testing and can report that Black Dragon is relatively stable. It seems that the issue with M3 Heads I was having was intentional due to how NiranV handled Alphas in BD compared to other viewers - so it's a intentional issue. If you're running Kemono or M4 heads, you should be fine. I've also taken these screenshots in SL directly with Black Dragon, namely at Tokagoya. So far, Black Dragon works fine and it seems to work out of the box with no bugs. Soon I'll write up an installer for Black Dragon on, and I will provide a mirror here to the installer for ease of use. Now, you may be wondering - why Lutris? Lutris is a useful utility that I personally use for the Windows games I own that are not on Steam, and therefore, are not easily made operational in Proton. It also allows you to install multiple versions of Wine and easily manage the different prefixes that your programs u...