Of Nazis, Political Opinion and Banhammers : A brief revisiting and declaration
Recently I posted about a hot mess I was involved in back in 2016-17 around abouts, and recently I came across some information on the person in question which has made me want to slap my past self.
Firstly, the name of the man in question that I had the dumbest Idea to defend, was Paul Baumer. In an attempt to ascertain his whereabouts, I found nothing. Either because he's one of those bastards who abuses unicode like Hitler did to.. well for sensitivity's sake I'll refrain from dark humor here - or because Linden Lab shoved a lit AMRAAM up his ass and lit the proximity fuse.
The bastard, wherever he may be, is not a problem to the SL Aviation community and potentially, Agni at large because as far as I have seen, in every discussion I've lurked and participated in, the man is in absentia. So suffice it to say his reputation either shat the bed and he fled to virtual Brazil, or the Lindens whacked him.
And from examination of images with his likeness, I was wrong about my defense of him. The man was an out and out Nazi.
Note the Blitz Cross on his right side, a diagonal variant of the swastika - which, fun fact kids - wasn't always a symbol of hate.

Firstly, the name of the man in question that I had the dumbest Idea to defend, was Paul Baumer. In an attempt to ascertain his whereabouts, I found nothing. Either because he's one of those bastards who abuses unicode like Hitler did to.. well for sensitivity's sake I'll refrain from dark humor here - or because Linden Lab shoved a lit AMRAAM up his ass and lit the proximity fuse.
The bastard, wherever he may be, is not a problem to the SL Aviation community and potentially, Agni at large because as far as I have seen, in every discussion I've lurked and participated in, the man is in absentia. So suffice it to say his reputation either shat the bed and he fled to virtual Brazil, or the Lindens whacked him.
And from examination of images with his likeness, I was wrong about my defense of him. The man was an out and out Nazi.
Note the Blitz Cross on his right side, a diagonal variant of the swastika - which, fun fact kids - wasn't always a symbol of hate.
The swastika dates back to many religions, mainly those from Asia, such as Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism. It is even used, in its' religious - 'straight' form as shown below in various variations - and in maps in places such as Japan for demarcating temples and shrines. In fact, the swastika in Japan is known as a 'manji'.

I've oft said that the radical left often complains that there's a influx of Nazis in the west even though at best a overwhelming majority of the people they call Nazis are just slightly more conservative or have the dismaying problem of having anything above the brainstem, and thereby having the ability to think differently from certain people who are overtly close-minded.
However, this isn't a case of calling a spade a Porsche. This guy was a genuine, honest to god Nazi, and how I had it in my head that I should defend him on the grounds of freedom of expression was appaling and right now I'm outright fucking befuddled at why I stood my ground like an insufferable mongoloid.
I guess the events of the time (Gamergate) had me a bit polarized to the word Nazi because of how often my opposition in that shitshow wrongly used the word, and still do to this day, to the disdain of actual victims of the holocaust, and to the pleasure of Neonazi parasites who pose a bigger threat than some boomer with conservative opinions and a twitter account.
But that is besides the point.
Consider this a written, formal apology to the SL Aviation Community, and to the residents of Agni at large. I have changed since then obviously, but still, I cannot help but want to correct for my mistake, as it drags down my reputation, and the reputation of MIRAI Group and the Virtual Existance Society.
Others may claim that because I refuse to tow their party line that I haven't changed, but I have. Take getting away from the site that radicalized half the american fucking populace against one another as a sign of my change.
And Paul - You better have nutted up and be flying right, because if you haven't, I'll be asking God himself to kick your ass personally for causing me, mistake or no - to make an intergalactic ass of myself.
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